two angry kids

Building On… Anger Management Skills in Kids

Anger is a natural emotion that can be all encompassing, overwhelming, and, well, hard to reign in. Considering many adults find it difficult to express their anger and other big feelings in a healthy, productive manner, it is no wonder that these same feelings are amplified in young minds and can lead to outbursts.

planting a tree

Building On…The Virtue of Patience

By: Nicole Leuci Gilmer Patience is a virtue that is essential to developing emotional intelligence in young children. In today’s world of fiber internet, express food delivery, and next-day shipping, it can be difficult for children to understand the importance of and learn how to be patient. It’s hard to blame them – I want…

adult and children playing with musical instruments in classroom

Building On…The Benefits of Play Through Music

By: Dana Vatafu Exposing your child to music or providing them with a musical education from an early age is an excellent way to jumpstart their cognitive, motor, and social skills development. Creating music activates unique parts of a child’s brain, which can lead to a more emotionally aware child when compared to their peers….