Engaging Communities Through Play: Libraries’ Secret to Inclusivity and Fun

Engaging Communities Through Play: Libraries’ Secret to Inclusivity and Fun

By: Nicole Leuci Gilmer  Libraries are not just havens for bookworms; they are vibrant community hubs where diversity and inclusion can flourish through the universal language of play. By offering dedicated play areas and dynamic materials, libraries can create a mosaic of play that reflects the diversity of their community. Chapter One: A Place for…

Moving Minds: How Movement Fuels Children’s Learning and Development

Moving Minds: How Movement Fuels Children’s Learning and Development

By: Jennifer Stein Jennifer is a communications expert, active play enthusiast, and proud mom to two. Have you ever noticed how alive kids feel when they’re zipping around the playground or busting a move? That’s because all that running, jumping, and dancing fires up their little brains, making those neural connections spark like a Fourth…