Building On…The Magic of Open-Ended Materials

Building On…The Magic of Open-Ended Materials

By: Jennifer Stein Children are naturally curious beings with an immeasurable imagination that can transport them to new worlds. One way to encourage that imaginative spark is through the power of open-ended materials. Children are instinctively drawn to these versatile treasures because of the freedom and flexibility they offer in play and will hold their…

Learning Through Play: The Value of Child-Directed Play

Learning Through Play: The Value of Child-Directed Play

By Andie Stallman, M.A. It is no coincidence that the phrase “childlike wonder” is a cliché. People come into the world needing to learn a lot really fast and the excitement, readiness, and motivation to learn are characteristics of childhood for a reason. Curiosity is an evolutionarily beneficial trait that allows us to improve year…