Imagination Playground Stories
Educators' Stories
“I can’t even imagine a school today not having a set of blocks. There’s absolutely nothing I’ve seen that has that kind of return.”
Matt Goldman
Co-founder of Blue School and Blue Man Group
“The flexibility that Imagination Playground provides is extraordinary. It's a new place every time you go."
Cynthia J. Gentry
Chairwoman of the Atlanta Taskforce on Play
“The great thing about the blocks is that you don’t have to have a fancy playground for it. The blocks transform any space—a gym, a playground, an asphalt surface—into an Imagination Playground."
Adrian Benepe
Former Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for New York City
“It creates one more opportunity for our children to get out, become active, and use their bountiful imaginations in this visionary play space.”
Becky Chavez
Director, Yuma Parks and Recreation Department, Yuma, AZ
“I was absolutely amazed at the opportunities that they afforded children to really use their creativity, work collaboratively in groups, and have play develop over time.”
Jean Schreiber
Early childhood education consultant
“At most playgrounds, kids who already know each other play alone. This playground is inviting collaboration. There’s a lot of social interacting going on.”
Roger Hart
Director, Children’s Environments Research Group, City University of New York
“When I see the kids engage with this and I see them having fun and I see them problem solving, I have to believe that it’s doing something to improve the quality of their thinking.”
Dominic Randolph
Head of School at Riverdale Country School
Parents' Stories
“I’ve been so worried about my 4-year-old because he is developmentally delayed. It was an amazing feeling to watch him just almost blossom in a matter of an hour.”

“It just makes your heart burst. My face and smile just beamed when she ran over to the blocks, picked them up, and started playing instantly.”
“I want to see him using his brain and make sure that he’s moving his body and getting exercise. It’s fun to see him happy—just to see all the kids smiling and laughing and engaged creatively.”
“I feel like it just gets their minds working on a different level.”
“When I watch my kids play, I’m looking to see them smile. And that’s all I saw today, just big grins. They’ve been running around. They’ve had a great time. At the end of the day, that’s really what’s important.”

“It’s more physical, and I think that’s maybe the best part. They’re running around. They have big things to carry. They’re using their legs and arms.”
“I think that a lot of kids, they just want to watch TV or they want to be told how to be entertained, but here they’re entertaining themselves.”
Kids' Stories
Drive to Candyland
“It was really fun because you get to build stuff like castles, buildings, cars, hotels or whatever you can imagine.”

"I'm building a castle, and tomorrow, I'm going to build a spaceship."
“I could be anything I want to be. I want to be in the Olympics and do the long jump.”

“I like to draw, and I like to sew. This helps me be a designer so I can be on TV and have the best design.”